Addressing the Rumors

it was bound to happen

there’s been some rumors circulating about me that I think it’s finally time to address them

I did in fact start a new software company and document every single step, in a day by day format, that literally anyone can copy

I wrote down how I found my idea (and if you look at every software I’ve ever started: Closify, Trackify, Fastoutreach, Zappx, they all follow recurring patterns) and how I choose ideas I KNOW will work

How I validated the idea before spending any time or money on it

how I build MVP’s with no code even as a non technical person

How to find a CTO to partner with to save money upfront on development

How I got my first paying user

my first 10 paying users

first 20…

the first hires I’ve made

How to set up cold email campaigns (updated for 2024)

how to book demos with cold calling (updated for 2024)

how to build a commission only sales team (3 steps: talent, enablement, management)

how to leverage AI to operate at a higher margin

Yes - I really did document all of this, in a day by day format where you can literally just copy what I did everyday to start and grow Zappx

(and it’s still be constantly updated daily)

plus you get a TON of access to me

and group calls with me… and with guest speakers

and I did just open this up recently - the last time I had opened up this group was a year ago

so if you’re confident you can spend 1-2 hours per day to follow my EXACT steps for the next 90 days

in the next 90 days here’s what you’ll have done:

  • a validated software idea that follows my success checklist

  • an early bird waitlist page with people waiting to buy your product

  • a figma prototype designed by my team

  • an MVP built on a no code tech stack (unless you can code)

  • you’ll crack 1-2 customer acquisition channels to start

  • and you’ll get your first paying user

all within 90 days, if you follow my steps to a T

if this sounds like something you want more info on

talk soon,
